Sunday, December 6, 2009

A return to 'what's next'.

(... we are making a show called "The Future Is Awesome!"(... tv show... website... podcast... etc.). I am blogging about the process... also, as we make the transition to our spankin' new title, and 'official' site, I'm gonna be posting in parallel at Let's Make Politics!... Don't wanna lose anyone. :)

Away a short while.

Did you miss me, echoing cyber-abyss?

Like a middle-aged woman with a cavernous, blown-out vagina might miss her husband's golf-pencil sized penis; just content at the thought that someone is inside her at that moment... an earnest attempt to do something, even if it goes unnoticed.

I was told recently to try and tone down any vulgar or explicit imagery or language but, fuck those people. Fuck them right in their eye, y'know.

My argument was always that something is indeed buried underneath the profanity. Ideas, amongst other things, swallowed down while people are tasting the candy coating of my profanity pill; my secret is my use of unrefined 'shit-fuck-sugar'.

But, pushing at the boundaries of good taste and decency but, Louis C.K.'s Last Chance is available on YouTube. On mother-truckin' YouTube! That's a generation's tv network of note. That's like NBC devoting ten minutes of air time to Gilbert Gottfried telling his filthiest version of The Aristocrats.

People aren't often sending me viral videos of P.G. Wodehouse. It's more likely this What what in the butt cover. With the line, the boundaries, where they are; Wodehouse, Shaw, Noel Coward, Abbott and Costello are all tiny, blurry shapes at this distance.

I don't need to push... the line, the boundary, the envelope. I'm just need to try and stay up on my board as I surf in the wake.

It's not a cop-out, just a recognition that the onus lies in the ideas.

What value am I adding to someone's day?

Does this excite me? Could it potentially do the same for another?

You want to use this page as a base to click through and bounce around the net, that's as it should be. Personally, I find embedded videos and borrowed content offensive.

My place is to be a taste filter like anyone else. My obligation is to offer up content and culture I find interesting, fascinating, joy inducing... in whatever cock-tacularly vulgar, motherfuckin' tone and style I please.

I want to pare these posts down. I want to share insights and stories about the process of making this TFIA thing, only where I'm absolutely compelled to do so.

As I see it, it's my job(... and conveniently the nature of the show) to tell people about things I love and feel buoyed by.

Most entertainment news shows... most magazine shows... most 'daily shows'... are there to tell you about the day before. (Everything that you may have missed of any import, all seemed to start with Frost's That Was The Week That Was on BBC.... then evolved into "current" culture commentary with Tony Wilson's iconic ITV show, 'So It Goes'... check out Iggy Pop or Peter Cook on the program.)

I don't want to talk about what just happened... when I could talk about 'what's happening'. (Double meaning, as I meant it to be.)

The Future Is Awesome! is about 'what's next'.

I mean, I'm devoting my time to this shit anyway. Intense conversations about the raw emotion needed to create the first Bon Iver record, or Beck's post-break-up stand-out Sea Change, and whether you can apply forcible, intentional suffering to illicit artistic merit from an artist. (It's what the Jain Buddhists believe, I'm just sayin'. Read Palahniuk's Wicker Man-like take on artistic inspiration, Diary.... he's written better but, again there's ideas buried in there that make it worthwhile.)

I'd be doing this anyway... I'm a content consumer. I was reading Chuck Klosterman's newest collection of essays, Eating the Dinosaur... which I do recommend. In it, he speaks to 'net culture'; he goes on... "Reading about Animal Collective on-line has replaced being alive."

Chuck Klosterman seems the perfect embodiment of the misspent intellectual capital phenomenon; check out this very trenchant '/Film' Klosterman on Eating the Dinosaur and the State of Entertainment.

We're all doing this. Maybe with varying vocabularies but, it is what we'd be doing anyway. Why not put it to some use... or, we are squandering intellectual resources.

So, fuck it. I'm gonna decide what I think is happening.

What's of worth.

What might make people believe their future will indeed be awesome; if only for the 4 and one half minutes running time of the clip or song I've only helped to broaden the exposure of.

What the fuckin' fuckity fuck could be at issue with my doing that?

Oh, right... language... style... long-form arguments constructed on a scaffolding of cool content and liberal use of the word 'cunt'.

Or, it could just be that well-worn words like awesome and excellent aren't punching their weight anymore. They're 'fucked out'.

If my job is to point out the new Hooray For Earth hazy, happy, dream rock.... then how best to describe a song like Surrounded By Your Friends.

Does it even matter?

I'm providing a public service.... exposing things to people and, by 'things', I do mean my penis. (Don't pretend you're not gonna look.)

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