Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Let's be specific.

(... we are making a show called "The Future Is Awesome!"(... tv show... website... podcast... etc.). I am blogging about the process...)

Not any song on that record so much as that one specifically.

I was riveted by this /Film podcast with Jason Reitman.

(They're doing good experimental podcasts like their SlashfilmCast and their c-list character actor spins excellent yarns splinter cast, The Tobolowsky Files.)

There is though, something singular... specific, even.. about that Reitman experimental podcast; specifically, how I'm inclined to shake this dude's hand and smartly punch him in the stomach with my free hand.

This "Pinstripes and Poltergeists" Finale Episode Of Venture Bros. This episode, specifically, made season four of that show seem a worthwhile trek.

I had a specific hankering to watch this scene from Bulworth recently (oh, and secret/ghost writer Aaron Sorkin, your secret's safe with me ;). It's like that yearning for a particular slice of pizza, a singular sandwich, a specific salty snack. Nothing else will sate that desire. Nothing else will do. It's that specific.

In fact, it's all specifics.

These kinds of recommendations will always be about 'being particular'.

I don't tell my friends about Edward Sharpe's band but, I pass along Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros' "Home".

This Aziz Ansari review of MAC AND ME is particularly awesome.

(Ansari's stand-up satire spin-off 'Randy' from 'Funny People' has two specifically excellent episodes, entitled Raaaaaaaandy!!!! and RAAAAAAAANDY! 2.)

We get so giddy at the notion that we can share and access everything but..... that also means we can share and access anything.

So, if that specific 'thing' that you crave more than any-'thing' is amongst that every-'thing'(.. and, it probably is, 'cause that does cover a lot of things)... then you're almost assured you can find that specific 'thing'.

All you've gotta know is what that 'thing' is, specifically, and be able to describe it, in detail.

For instance, I won't tell you to watch ABC's 'Better Off Ted' ( inconsistent, soon to disappear sitcom); but, I implore you to watch the fourth episode of their first season, 'Racial Sensitivity'.(... can't find a link... legal or otherwise.)

I beseech you to listen to this Tracy Morgan Interview On NPR. All of Terry Gross' 'Fresh Air' interviews are interesting but, this is a singular piece of content. I specifically remember the day I heard this and how it made that day a little better.

In a nutshell, that's what anyone wants from recommendations... something particularly targeted. A smart bomb to be deployed and detonate awesomeness in their brains.

Don't recommend a band.... recommend that one song that makes you move.

Don't recommend a podcast... recommend that excellent episode where they got Norm MacDonald to come out of hiding.

You get the idea.

We're not recommending things we like.... there's allot of 'like' to go around, 'cause it spreads thin, like margarine.

We're talking about things we love..... things we love..... and, I can't honestly say I 'love' every song, even from a band I have a deep, long-standing affection for.

I have allot of love in my heart but, it goes on thick, like a clumpy, peanut butter on the slice of texas toast that is my life.

So.... when we talk about what we love, please, let's be specific.

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