Why is this thing 'a movement'.... as I keep insisting?
'Cause, we're doing it together.
You can't make a movement, by yourself. (.... maybe, a bowel movement... a corn-flecked turd. Sure as shit, you can make one of those yourself.)
This aspires to be a true 'movement' because, it's collaborative.
I named the whole show, "Let's Make Politics!".... to say exactly that.
We're gonna make and shape change... together.
We're gonna be the one's living in this awesome future... seems like you'd want a part in shaping it.
(The little pic of an unbuilt, undressed studio under the title is in reference to the collaborative set design approach, we're pioneering with this show.... we only build it, once you've had input. No shit.)
So far, the most consistent voice I've heard(.. tv people and 'normal' people alike ;)...... seems to be saying;
"Love the idea. The exciting, hopeful, funny aspects of the future we'll all, very soon, be living in. Love it! But, why...; "Let's Make Politics!"?
First post in.... the much beloved, Dicks In Your Ear.... I was already explaining the title.... defending the title.
Defending the word; politics.
Then defining the word..... to 'redefine' the word.
"Politics has become a dirty word."; I started.
(Now, don't get me wrong.... I wrote the shit out of that post. Never before.... has anyone so poetically opined the dangling and brushing of "flaccid wangs against unsuspecting ears" for satire's sake. Go fuck yourself, George Orwell! World leaders as talking pigs..? You can play around with your old world barnyard metaphors... but, c'mon... let's call a cock... a cock.)
So..... as I'm meeting with a guy about 're-skinning' this blog(... changing, redressing, enhancing... tying into the 'official' website.... the aesthetic for the site, the show)... my old friend, that corn-flecked turd of a question, slipped out...;
"The logo's gotta have the show's title in it..... and, I really want to watch the show you're describing.... but, "Let's Make Politics!" doesn't say hopeful, engaging or funny. You've dug a hole for yourself."
Yes, I did.
So............ "The Future Is Awesome!" is our new title. (And, our new blogging home.)
It says everything we want it to. (Everything we've already said.... and will continue to.)
It's exactly the same show..... we're just 're-skinning' it.
(... this "Let's Make Politics!" step in the process, won't go away.... every post, every link, clip, article, insight.... every dick joke... will be right here when you need it. Don't believe me.....? I built a 'He-Man/Transformers/Indie Rock' blog; By The Power Of Greyskull Transform, N' Rock Out!... just to pay off a joke. That... is my commitment to comedy and transparency both.)
This.... is our first big step in our 'collabo-relationship'. (I'll call it 'second base'... to protect your rep.... but, we'll know it was closer to 'third' on your living room couch. Wait... third base is penetration, right?)
Our show..... the show we are making.... is now called "The Future Is Awesome!".
'Cause it is.
Click through.... adjust your bookmarks, accordingly.... adjust yourselves, if need be.... tell your friends and family.... tell your neighbors..... tell the angry weirdo with the tinfoil sword and shield, who insists you "answer me, these questions three" before you can gain access to the subway(... that's our key target demo).....
And, in our awesome future.... there's more than one way to re-skin a cat.
.... actually, we'll probably just start makin' cats without the skin.
(None of the dander allergies..... much more of the vomiting at the sight of a skinless cat. Did anybody have a conversation about whether we need skinless animals? "Hey, We're Science. We're All About 'Coulda'.. Not 'Shoulda' ".... but, shouldn't someone at least be asking these questions?)
you know, i'm glad you finally got that dick out of your own ear and changed the title. The Future is Awesome is a vast improvement, hell now someone may actually even watch the damn thing.